Canon PIXMA MP810 - Independen
- Posted: Saturday, December 30, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Belum lama ini Canon merilis enam printer multifungsi terbarunya. Salah satunya adalah PIXMA MP810, yang menjadi flagship model. Printer ini tak hanya memadukan berbagai jenis fungsi seperti cetak, scan dan copy ke dalam satu perangkat, tapi juga menawarkan sejumlah inovasi yang mendukung fungsi-fungsi tersebut.Salah satu di antaranya adalah teknologi Dual Color Gamut Processing untuk meningkatkan kemampuan copy-nya. Dengan teknologi ini, reproduksi warna hasil copy sebuah dokumen maupun foto dipertahankan mendekati aslinya, bahkan ketika hasil copy tersebut kemudian dicopy lagi.
Sementara itu, fungsi scannya mengandalkan dual CCD scanner dengan resolusi 4800/600 dpi, sehingga memberikan opsi bagi pengguna, apakah mengutamakan kualitas (4800 dpi) atau kecepatan (600 dpi). Selain itu fitur multi-scannya juga sangat membantu men-scan 10 foto sekaligus dan menyimpannya masing-masing sebagai file terpisah.Bahkan, printer ini terbilang sangat independen. Pengguna dapat men-scan sebuah dokumen atau foto, dan kemudian menyimpannya sebagai suatu file atau mengonversikannya ke dalam format dokumen PDF, atau bahkan langsung mencetaknya. Semuanya bisa dilakukan tanpa campur tangan PC, dan prosesnya bisa dipantau melalui layar TFT LCD 3 inci terintegrasi. Asyiknya, untuk memudahkan navigasi menu dan mengakses seluruh fitur di dalam printer ini, MP810 sudah mengusung fitur tombol navigasi Easy Scroll Wheel yang sangat intuitif.
Nikon Coolpix S7c - Kaya Inovasi
- Posted: Wednesday, December 27, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Bentuk ringkas bukan berarti minim fitur dan kapabilitas. Pesan itulah yang agaknya hendak disampaikan Nikon melalui kamera kompak terbarunya, Coolpix S7c. Meski kamera ini berukuran ramping, Nikon cukup royal menjejalkan fitur-fitur inovatif ke dalam kamera ini.Setidaknya ada tiga fitur inovatif yang bisa membantu pengguna mengambil gambar dengan optimal, antara lain Face-priority AF, yang secara otomatis mengatur fokus ke wajah orang yang menjadi obyek, In-Camera Red-Eye Fix untuk mengompensasi efek red-eye langsung di kamera serta fitur D-Lighting untuk mengeliminir gambar yang underexposed atau terpengaruh dampak backlight yang kuat.
Selain itu, masih ada fitur Vibration Reduction untuk meminimalkan efek goyangan pada kamera yang bisa membuat hasil foto menjadi blur, serta moda High-Sensitivity, yang mengatur setting ISO (sampai ISO1600) untuk keperluan pengambilan gambar dengan kondisi cahaya minim. Seluruh fitur ini untuk mendukung pengambilan gambar yang ditangkap lensa Zoom-Nikkor ED 35-105mm serta sensor 7,1 megapixel yang diusung kamera ini.
Seakan belum cukup, Nikon masih melengkapinya dengan antena Wi-Fi yang memungkinkan kamera ini mengirim hasil jepretan langsung ke dalam PC secara nirkabel. Nah, kurang apa lagi? aa
MTV appeals to mobile consumers via "Bananas"
- Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Digital Media
MTV announced a partnership with mobile management solutions provider Motricity to launch "Bananas," the cable network's first branded wireless content subscription service. The cross-carrier, direct-to-consumer platform will initially focus on ringtones from major label partners as well as sounds, wallpapers and graphics from original MTV Networks series including "Laguna Beach," "The Real World" and "The Hills."
"MTV has stronger penetration into the 13-to-24-year-old market than any other television brand," Motricity CEO Ryan Wuerch said in an interview with FierceMobileContent. "If you've watched MTV in the past, you've seen a number of ads for wireless carriers. With 'Bananas,' MTV will now capture that revenue source for itself."
The "Bananas" announcement follows just days after MTV announced the formation of its Mobile Media Group division, created to develop MTV content and brands for wireless applications and services. The group will manage mobile activities within MTV Networks' various cable channels (e.g., Nickelodeon, VH1 and Comedy Central) and among its domestic and foreign operations.
The "Bananas" site is currently available via Cingular, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile, Motricity said, with plans to debut on the Verizon Wireless network in the first quarter of 2007. "'Bananas' capitalizes on MTV's relationship with consumers--it's a brand they trust," Wuerch said. "MTV shifted music culture: it enables consumers to discover and learn more about music. By offering them the opportunity to buy that content at the moment of discovery, we can create an experience unlike any other."
For more on Bananas:- read this release (PRNewsWire)
New Products Launch With Option's HSDPA Wireless Modules
- Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Broadband
Option N.V. congratulates Samsung and SK Telecom on the launch of two new mobile products, the Notebook Q40 and the Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC) Q1, in the Korean market. Option's HSDPA embedded Wireless Modules enables both devices to access SK Telecom's advanced mobile network empowering users of the stylishly designed Q40 and Q1 to view, listen, play, chat, download, e-mail, connect to the corporate network and work anytime, anywhere.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2005 parent company sales of US$56.7 billion and net income of US$7.5 billion. Recognized as one of the fastest growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs, memory chips, mobile phones, and TFT-LCDs.
SK Telecom is the number one mobile operator in Korea with 19.5 million subscribers. As Korea's largest mobile telecommunications company, SK Telecom is continually challenged to meet the ever-increasing expectations of its technologically-savvy customers. Consumers in Korea now enjoy a whole range of services through wireless networks that are no longer limited by time or space. These include voice telephony, Internet access, music, movies, games, broadcasting, banking, stock trading, and credit card transactions. SK Telecom has always taken centre stage in this innovative evolution of mobile communications.
Option unveiled Samsung Electronics as a customer for its HSDPA Wireless Module in September 2006.
Source: WirelessIQ
Motorola Readies WiMAX Networks for 2007 Launch
- Posted: Friday, December 22, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: WiMax
With 2006 coming to a close, Motorola predicts 2007 will be the year WiMAX will begin entering the mainstream with growing consumer awareness and anticipation, and with an increasing number of commercial launches of mobile WiMAX networks.
"When we look back one year ago and reflect on all that the industry has accomplished, it is truly astounding the pace at which next generation broadband solutions are evolving. WiMAX no longer is just a promise, a potential. Now it's here, it's real, and Motorola is at the forefront of delivering this technology," said Dan Coombes, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Motorola Networks & Enterprise.
With industry wide support, performance, and cost advantages WiMAX is clearly well positioned to play a pivotal role in the evolution of future broadband wireless networks on a global scale. In the span of the last year, IEEE ratified the standard behind Mobile WiMAX 802.16e-2005, and fixed WiMAX Forum certified products have been deployed. Chipset manufacturers have announced or launched silicon that will support mobile WiMAX functionality in devices and customer premises equipment.
"Technology and market acceptance of WiMAX is underway in key pockets of the globe," said Godfrey Chua, analyst at IDC citing his recently released report "Worldwide WiMAX Infrastructure 2006-2011 Forecast". "Growth is being driven by the increased utility of broadband access in general, and with major equipment vendors such as Motorola leading the way and helping to encourage the expansion of the market ecosystem, we expect WiMAX infrastructure spending to be one of the fastest growing within the wireless segment. Spending will be propelled to $3.59 billion by 2011, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 31 percent."
"From the time we announced our intention to go directly to 802.16e and our efforts with Sprint on planned WiMAX activities in June 2005, we -- and the industry -- have made tremendous progress in bringing WiMAX to market and demonstrating how WiMAX can be used to enable rich applications and personal wireless broadband," Coombes continued. "We'll continue our momentum in 2007 with general availability of our portfolio of WiMAX access points, PC cards and customer premises equipment; live, commercial networks with customers; and previews of handheld devices."
Source: ABI Research
Denon iDock - Maksimalkan Potensi iPod
- Posted: Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: iPod
Sebagai perangkat pemutar audio digital portable, popularitas Apple iPod memang agak sulit tertandingi. Apalagi perangkat itu kini didukung ekosistem yang mapan, mulai dari toko penyedia lagunya, pengguna yang fanatik dan aksesoris sangat beragam dari berbagai vendor. Denon, pabrikan audio kondang Jepang, tak mau ketinggalan dalam menyediakan aksesoris untuk pemutar populer ini dalam wujud Denon iDock (ASD-1R).Perangkat ini pada dasarnya adalah docking station khusus iPod. Denon iDock memungkinkan pengguna mengoptimalkan keluaran audio, maupun mengakses koleksi video/foto yang tersimpan di dalam iPod melalui A/V receiver berkualitas dari Denon. Pengguna cukup menancapkan iPod ke Denon iDock, kemudian menghubungkannya ke Dock Port yang terdapat pada receiver. Perangkat ini hadir sebagai opsi dari A/V receiver Denon tipe AVR-2807, yang merupakan receiver pertama mengusung Dock Port.
Asyiknya, begitu iPod terpasang pada docking station, pengguna tetap bisa mengakses seluruh fitur dan fungsi pada pemutar itu. Setelah melalui setup sederhana, pengguna bisa mengakses seluruh fitur iPod dengan remote control receiver, termasuk volume, navigasi menu, play, stop maupun skip. Bahkan, Denon iDock juga berfungsi sekaligus sebagai charger. Denon iDock dapat mengakomodasi seluruh model iPod, termasuk iPod Mini dan Nano, serta tersedia dalam warna hitam dan putih.
Sony Ericsson W850i - 3G Walkman
- Posted: Tuesday, December 12, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Sony Ericsson
Layanan 3G sudah hadir di tanah air. Ponsel-ponsel yang kompatibel dengan jaringan data kecepatan tinggi ini pun mulai marak. Bahkan genre ponsel musik pun tak ketinggalan mengusung 3G. Salah satunya adalah Sony Ericsson W850i.Adanya kapabilitas 3G (UMTS 2100) memungkinkan ponsel musik ini mendownload musik operator over the air dengan cepat. Musiknya tersimpan di dalam memory stick PRO Duo kapasitas 1GB yang disertakannya. Kapasitas sebesar itu cukup untuk menampung 1000 lagu (format e-AAC+). Atau, pengguna bisa memindahkan koleksi lagu yang tersimpan di dalam PC ke ponsel ini melalui koneksi USB 2.0.
Untuk urusan navigasi musik maupun menata koleksi musik yang tersimpan di dalam ponsel, W850i mengandalkan Walkman Player 2.0. Selain itu, ada pula fitur TrackID untuk mengetahui informasi lagu dengan dukungan database global Gracenote Mobile MusicID. Bosan dengan koleksi lagu yang tersimpan di dalam ponsel, pengguna bisa switch ke FM stereo radio.
W850i juga memiliki kapabilitas multimedia yang lengkap. Salah satunya adalah kamera 2.0 megapixel performa tinggi dengan fitur zoom digital 4x plus LED light. Adanya kamera video tambahan di sisi depan memungkinkan penggunanya memanfaatkan percakapan video telephony via 3G.
Epson P-5000 - Didukung Layar LCD Mumpuni
- Posted: Monday, December 11, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Bagi para fotografer maupun profesional yang membutuhkan perangkat penyimpan sekaligus pemutar file-file multimedia, Epson menawarkan multimedia storage viewer terbarunya, Epson P-5000. Dengan kapasitas simpan 80GB, perangkat ini dapat memuat ribuan foto berformat JPEG, EXIF dan RAW, maupun file-file video seperti MPEG4, Motion JPEG dan DivX, bahkan file audio MP3 dan AAC.Selain menawarkan koneksi USB 2.0 untuk mempercepat pemindahan dari dan ke PC, P-5000 juga menawarkan fleksibilitas untuk memindahkan file-file digital dari CompactFlash dan SD card dengan menyediakan slot untuk kedua jenis kartu memori itu. Agar file-file digital yang tersimpan di dalamnya dapat dilihat dengan nyaman, Epson menyertakan layar LCD berukuran 4 inci dengan resolusi 640x480.
Tak hanya itu. Berteknologi Photo Fine Ultra, layar LCD ini mengusung sistem filter empat warna (red, blue, emerald green dan yellow green), tidak seperti LCD konvensional tiga-warna, yang sanggup menampilkan 16,7 juta warna dan mendukung Adobe RGB color. Alhasil, reproduksi warna pada LCD lebih akurat. Cocok bagi para fotografer yang ingin mereview foto-foto yang diambilnya.
Canon PowerShot G7: Generasi Baru Kamera Prosumer
- Posted: Monday, December 11, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Inilah generasi terbaru kamera kelas prosumer Canon dan sekaligus pengganti model PowerShot G6 yang populer. Tak hanya mengandalkan resolusi 10 megapixel, PowerShot G7 mengusung sejumlah fitur-fitur baru yang memberinya peningkatan kapabilitas secara signifikan ketimbang pendahulunya.Setidaknya ada dua teknologi baru yang dijejalkan ke dalam kamera ini, antara lain adalah Face Detection AF/AE. Ketika digunakan untuk memfoto orang atau sekelompok orang, teknologi ini secara otomatis mendeteksi sampai sembilan wajah dalam satu frame, dan memilih satu atau lebih wajah yang akan menjadi patokan untuk menset fokus dan exposure paling optimum.
Teknologi lainnya adalah Noise Reduction untuk memperluas kemampuan pengurangan noise sampai setelan sensitifitas ISO1600.Tak kalah penting, PowerShot G7 juga sudah mengusung prosesor gambar generasi terbaru DIGIC serta lensa zoom 6x dengan panjang fokal 35-210mm (ekivalen lensa 35mm) yang sudah dilengkapi dengan teknologi Image Stabilizer. Lensa ini pun sudah mengaplikasikan SR lens coating yang berfungsi mengurangi cacat ghosting dan chromatic abberation. PowerShot G7 merupakan kamera digital compact pertama yang mengaplikasikan teknologi ini.
Lenovo Q100 - Akses Langsung ke Hiburan
- Posted: Sunday, December 10, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Batas antara PC dengan perangkat elektronik konsumer lainnya seperti pemutar DVD atau perangkat home theater in-box kini semakin tipis saja. Tengok saja perangkat PC desktop teranyar dari Lenovo, yakni Lenovo Q100.Adanya fitur Digital Media Platform membuat perangkat ini mengakses berbagai fungsi multimedia seperti menonton dan merekam program TV, mem-pause siaran TV langsung, memutar musik atau video maupun membuat album foto tanpa harus booting ke dalam Windows. Mirip kemudahan yang ditawarkan perangkat set-top box. Uniknya, berbagai menu multimedia itu bisa diakses melalui fitur Jog-Dial, mirip pada pemutar iPod, yang terintegrasi pada stand monitor LCD 19 inci-nya.
Sebagai perangkat komputasi, PC berprosesor Pentium D 820 ini juga menawarkan fitur One Touch Recovery. Dengan menekan satu tombol, perangkat ini akan melakukan pemulihan data apabila komputer mengalami crash.
Plasma TV Q7 - Cerah dengan FilterBright
- Posted: Sunday, December 10, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Di tengah-tengah serbuan televisi layar datar berteknologi LCD, televisi-televisi plasma masih menunjukkan eksistensinya. Bahkan para vendor terus meningkatkan fitur dan kualitas TV plasmanya, termasuk Samsung yang belum lama ini merilis TV plasma PDP Q7.Model ini mengusung sejumlah teknologi yang dibuat untuk mengatasi berbagai kelemahan yang ada pada TV plasma konvensional, salah satunya adalah berkurangnya kualitas gambar akibat pengaruh cahaya ruangan. Untuk itu, Samsung memiliki solusi teknologi FilterBright yang berfungsi meminimalkan pantulan dari cahaya eksternal.
Alhasil, penonton tetap bisa menyaksikan gambar yang tajam dan cerah di berbagai kondisi pencahayaan ruang. Menambah kenikmatan menonton, Samsung juga mengemas teknologi Smooth Motion Driver ke dalam Q7, sehingga efek gambar blur yang timbul ketika obyek gambar atau teks bergerak cepat bisa diminimalkan. Selain itu, dengan kapasitas pemrosesan 13-bit, PDP Q7 memiliki kemampuan menampilkan 549 miliar warna. Ditambah tingkat rasio kekontrasan sebesar 10.000:1, detil gambar televisi ini pun diklaim lebih baik.
Vertu Constellation - Tampil Eksklusif dan Mewah
- Posted: Saturday, December 09, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: 3G Handset
Ingin tampil beda dengan handphone bergengsi? Anda bisa melirik ponsel mewah terbaru, Vertu Constellation. Dirakit dengan tangan oleh tenaga-tenaga terampil pilihan, ponsel mewah ini hadir dalam tujuh pilihan casing dengan dua pilihan bahan utama yakni stainless steel dan emas 18 karat.Jika memilih stainless, Anda bisa memilih dua jenis finishing, polished atau satin. Ketujuh model casing itu dipadukan dengan lapisan kulit sapi Eropa pilihan di sisi belakangnya. Keypad-nya terbuat dari keramik anti gores, sementara karakter keypad dibentuk dengan laser secara presisi serta diberi pencahayaan di belakangnya.
Vertu Constellation menawarkan cakupan GSM quad-band, serta sudah mendukung GPRS dan EDGE. Konektivitasnya diperlengkapi dengan Bluetooth 2.0 serta koneksi kabel USB 2.0. Layarnya menggunakan TFT sapphire crystal display dengan resolusi 262K.Menambah kesan eksklusifnya, setiap model mengusung tombol khusus Vertu Concierge, khusus untuk mengakses layanan pribadi yang menawarkan informasi ahli, priority booking serta layanan bantuan darurat di seluruh dunia.
Nikon Coolpix S7c - Kaya Inovasi
- Posted: Saturday, December 09, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Bentuk ringkas bukan berarti minim fitur dan kapabilitas. Pesan itulah yang agaknya hendak disampaikan Nikon melalui kamera kompak terbarunya, Coolpix S7c. Meski kamera ini berukuran ramping, Nikon cukup royal menjejalkan fitur-fitur inovatif ke dalam kamera ini.Setidaknya ada tiga fitur inovatif yang bisa membantu pengguna mengambil gambar dengan optimal, antara lain Face-priority AF, yang secara otomatis mengatur fokus ke wajah orang yang menjadi obyek, In-Camera Red-Eye Fix untuk mengompensasi efek red-eye langsung di kamera serta fitur D-Lighting untuk mengeliminir gambar yang underexposed atau terpengaruh dampak backlight yang kuat.
Selain itu, masih ada fitur Vibration Reduction untuk meminimalkan efek goyangan pada kamera yang bisa membuat hasil foto menjadi blur, serta moda High-Sensitivity, yang mengatur setting ISO (sampai ISO1600) untuk keperluan pengambilan gambar dengan kondisi cahaya minim. Seluruh fitur ini untuk mendukung pengambilan gambar yang ditangkap lensa Zoom-Nikkor ED 35-105mm serta sensor 7,1 megapixel yang diusung kamera ini. Seakan belum cukup, Nikon masih melengkapinya dengan antena Wi-Fi yang memungkinkan kamera ini mengirim hasil jepretan langsung ke dalam PC secara nirkabel. Nah, kurang apa lagi?
Cingular Offers First 3G Phone With Push-to-Talk
- Posted: Wednesday, December 06, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: 3G Handset
The Fully Loaded CU400 Features High Speed UMTS Technology, Push-to-Talk Capability and Bluetooth.
Today LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc. (LG Mobile Phones) and Cingular Wireless introduced the new CU400, Cingular's first 3G phone to offer the easy and convenient Push to Talk (PTT) technology and a vast array of cutting-edge mobile features.
Cingular's 3G network gives customers some of the fastest mobile data connections available worldwide, allowing them to quickly and easily download streaming entertainment, news, games, sports clips and mobile applications at broadband-like speed. Cingular's 3G service is currently available in 145 markets.The LG CU400 includes Push to Talk advanced voice capabilities which gives customers the ability to see whether their friends, family or co-workers are available to talk before they call and to connect instantly. With PTT, customers can talk to one person or a group of up to 30 people at the same time with just a push of a button. Customers also have the flexibility to easily convert a PTT call to a regular mobile call and to store up to 99 contacts.
For those customers who also want to stay entertained on the go, the LG CU400 includes an entertainment folder that includes easy access to pre-loaded games like Tetris and Ms. Pac-Man by Namco as well as music capabilities including Music ID, which allows you to identify songs at the touch of a button, The BUZZ to keep you up to date on the latest entertainment news and Music Videos to watch the latest videos from your favorite artists. In addition to these great entertainment capabilities, customers can also easily access Cingular Video by clicking on the dedicated CV button for the latest in news, sports, weather and more.
"The ability to pack such a wide variety of cutting edge features into one handset is definitely a point of pride for us," said Jeff Hwang, senior vice president of marketing and product strategy, LG Electronics MobileComm. "Features like high speed 3G, Push to Talk and Bluetooth capability make the CU400 one of the most versatile phones in the U.S., making a great device for both functionality and fun."
The sporty and compact design of the LG CU400 and advanced functionality gives Cingular customers the convenience of the latest in voice and entertainment without sacrificing style. This is a great device for customers who want the latest in technology including a built-in VGA camera/camcorder to capture those special moments as they happen and a full spectrum of enhanced messaging services, including Mobile email using Yahoo! Mail, MSN Hotmail, and AOL and Instant Messaging capabilities including AIM Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and MSN.
The LG CU400 is currently available at select Cingular locations, dealers & national retailers and online at a suggested retail price of $29.99, after $50.00 manufacturer rebate and a two-year contract.
Source: WirelessIQ
Japan Trials Next-Gen Mobile WiMAX
- Posted: Wednesday, December 06, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: WiMax
Nortel and Toshiba Corporation are working with the Japanese government on a next-generation wireless trial using WiMAX solutions from Nortel to deliver mobile high-speed broadband services in the northern Tohoku region.
The trial, being conducted by the Tohoku Bureau of Telecommunications, a regional arm of Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), is part of MIC's 'Next Generation Broadband Strategy 2010.' The vision is targeting anywhere, anytime connectivity for all citizens by 2010 through universal broadband services supporting Internet access, VoIP, video conferencing, interactive gaming and other high-bandwidth services.
MIC selected Ishinomaki, a port city on Honshu Island in Tohoku's Miyagi Prefecture, as the site for the trial because of the limited availability of broadband access. Nortel's Mobile WiMAX solution addresses this issue by using advanced transmission techniques to provide 'last mile' connectivity without the cost and complexity of laying copper wire.
"Nortel has a strong track record in the development and implementation of next-generation WiMAX as a wireless broadband technology," said Nick Vreugdenhil, president, Japan, Nortel. "Through our collaboration with both MIC and Toshiba on this trial, Nortel's WiMAX solutions will be applied to help MIC further its objectives for universal broadband services throughout the nation regardless of location or the challenges of difficult terrain."
Read more
World becoming more mobile
- Posted: Wednesday, December 06, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
The numbers do not lie: The world is becoming more mobile. Infonetics Research, in three recent reports, offers eye-opening figures about the growth of radio access network (RAN), WiMAX/outdoor mesh network and WLAN equipment markets. The numbers show an unmistakable trend: Worldwide RAN equipment sales rose 9 percent to $9.58 billion between 2Q 2006 and 3Q 2006; WLAN equipment sales increased 19 percent to $780.03 million; WiMAX equipment sales increased 23 percent to $173.53 million; and outdoor mesh equipment sales jumped 38 percent to $121.40 million.
Infonetics' Richard Webb says: "The range of licensed and unlicensed wireless broadband and mobile technologies now available leads to some interesting opportunities for operators, but also some potentially disruptive challenges to existing business models... All operators are looking at fixed-mobile convergence, but there are now several ways they can get there," he added. "Whilst personal mobile broadband is still some way off, we can see the pieces of the jigsaw starting to come together."
Source: FierceWiFi and for more information see Infonetics web.
ComMAX Mobile WiMAX/Cellular Convergence Unveiled
- Posted: Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: WiMax
Comsys Communication and Signal Processing, a leader in mobile wireless baseband solutions, will be presenting ComMAX, its baseband processor for Mobile Internet convergence, at ITU Telecom World 2006, both in the WiMAX Forum pavilion and at the GSA event.
As a member of the Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) as well as a member of the WiMAX Forum, Comsys is in a unique position to drive Mobile Internet convergence through its background and knowledge of both 3GSM cellular and Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) technologies. Building on its mature cellular baseband solutions, currently enabling multi-million handsets in the market, Comsys develops its 4G product offerings.
Integrating both Mobile WiMAX and Cellular technologies into a single baseband processor, the ComMAX SoC provides a converged Mobile WiMAX/Cellular solution targeting manufacturers of multimode terminals. Addressing the service similarities between 3GSM and Mobile WiMAX, ComMAX provides extensive power and cost savings at both chip and handset levels, and is a cost-effective path towards seamless 4G services. The processor and accompanying reference designs will be available in the market during 2007.
Source: WirelessIQ

China could leapfrog 3G and push its own 4G agenda
- Posted: Monday, December 04, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: 3G Handset
Operators in many countries where 3G licenses have not yet been allocated are considering alternatives to UMTS or CDMA EV-DO, eyeing the possibility of leapfrogging other nations in moving directly to '4G-class' networks promising lower cost of ownership and better support for high value applications than 3G does. Brazil and India have both been notable in this discussion, but now China has entered the debate, with respected bodies calling for 3G to be, in effect, bypassed.
Last week Willie Lu, chairman of China's Fourth Generation Mobile Forum (4GMF), said that 3G would not be successful in China and that the world's largest mobile market should adopt an open IP, next generation wireless architecture straight away rather than proceed with a 3G licensing and build-out strategy that has been plagued by delays, politics and the attempts of the authorities to pressurize operators to adopt the homegrown 3G variant, TD-SCDMA, in preference to more proven but western-controlled networks.
Although two or three 3G licenses are likely, after many postponements, to be awarded in the first quarter of next year - one probably mandated for TD-SCDMA, the others neutral - Lu believes this will not be enough to enable the telecoms transformation that will be critical to China's ongoing economic regeneration, even with the promised break-up of the giant fixed and mobile incumbents.
"Based on the China specific situation, history, culture and development unbalance, 3G will not be successful," he said, claiming an "open wireless architecture is the only solution to move China forward to the next level of success in this industry so that the future mobile phone, like the computer, can be DIY - a 100% consumer product".
According to Lu, China believes that 3G does not fundamentally improve the 2G architecture and therefore should be seen as a transitional solution, while the country looks beyond it to new networks, which could include WiMAX or LTE, but which the government might prefer to rely on home-developed new technologies. Already, China is advanced in creating its own systems for mobile TV and broadband wireless, based on its own implementations of key systems like OFDM. Lu says the country's plan is to construct "an open architecture-based broadband wireless communication system" on the same lines as the open network architecture of the internet, or the open computer architecture of the PC.
Such an approach would chime in very closely with the views of the PC/IP giants like Intel as they seek to assert their agenda in the once closed mobile world. Whether they can persuade the Chinese to pay for their technologies rather than produce new competitors will depend whether these common interests bear commercial fruit in 4G.
Lu predicts that China's initial 4G networks will be deployed in early 2012, while the 4GMF will present its 4G standardization strategy at the ITU Telecom World 2006 conference in Hong Kong in December.
Source: WimaxTrends
Nokia Inks Indosat WCDMA 3G/HSPA Network Deal
- Posted: Thursday, November 30, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Broadband
Nokia and one of Indonesia's largest operators, Indosat, have extended their cooperation by signing a WCDMA 3G/HSPA network and managed services contract that enables Indosat to offer 3G and wireless broadband services. Indosat will have Nokia operate its network so the operator can remain focused on its core business and customer relationships while adopting 3G technology.
Nokia will provide Indosat turnkey services, including civil works, network planning, implementation and integration of a WCDMA 3G/HSPA network. In providing managed services, Nokia takes responsibility for building, operating and transferring as well as optimizing the Indosat 3G network. Training services are also included, and the network will be supported by the multivendor, multitechnology Nokia NetAct network and service management system.
Nokia will supply the WCDMA 3G/HSPA radio network, including the modular, high capacity Nokia Flexi WCDMA base station in East Java, Bali, Sumatra and Batam. Nokia's 3G devices are also being delivered as part of the contract. Deliveries have started and the network will be ready for a launch in November 2006.
"Bringing the next generation of 3G services to Indonesia, and focusing on wireless broadband with the highest speeds at the best value to our customers is a high priority at Indosat," says Kaizad Heerjee, Deputy President Director, Indosat. "Nokia support in our network is outstanding and their managed services capability allows us to concentrate on building the Indosat business around 3G and HSDPA and bringing advanced services to our customers quickly."
"3G/HSDPA services are an exciting opportunity for both Indonesian consumers and Indosat," says Henrik Brogaard, Account Director, Networks, Nokia Indonesia. "Nokia's network solutions and services allow Indosat to increase their competitiveness. Nokia WCDMA/HSPA network allows Indosat to minimize capital and operational expenditure, and Nokia's managed and other professional services boost network efficiency and quality while helping to increase their customer base."
With its proven track record in managing networks on behalf of operators around the world, Nokia is able to support operators to enhance their service offerings and reduce costs. Nokia is a major player in the Managed Services business with close to 60 managed services contracts globally.
In WCDMA 3G, Nokia has 65 customers to date. High performance Nokia HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) is a simple software upgrade to Nokia WCDMA networks, thus enabling a fast, cost-effective rollout. Nokia HSPA is made up of two key technologies, HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access), enabling true mobile broadband with breakthrough data speeds up to 14.4 Mbps in the downlink and up to 5.8 Mbps in the uplink.
Nokia HSDPA offers almost 10-times faster data services than current 3G networks, generating an enhanced service experience. Nokia is a leader in the HSDPA market, with a large number of HSDPA contracts. Many network operators have already opened their HSDPA networks with the Nokia solution.
Source: WirelessIQ
Motorola pushing WiMAX in India
- Posted: Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: WiMax
WiMAX is coming to India big time, and Motorola has a lot to do with it. The company rolled out the first Made-in-India mobile, and now shows every intention of benefiting from the growing demand for wireless broadband on the subcontinent. Analysts estimate the annual broadband wireless equipment market opportunity in India at around $4.5 billion by 2012. Amit Sharma, vice president, strategy and business development, Motorola Asia Pacific, says that "Motorola will design networks and provide customer premises equipment (CPEs) and handhelds. Our end-to-end solutions will be deployed by operators beginning next October."
There are about 2 million broadband users in India today, and analysts say that the number will grow to 30 million users by 2010. Since the most vexing problem of providing broadband access is the last mile, WiMAX is seen as crucial in reaching these numbers. Samsung and Alcatel are other vendors eyeing the Indian wireless broadband market, and Motorola has already launched WiMAX pilots in several areas. "It's much easier to deploy WiMAX access points and power requirements are also less (compared to wireline networks). We don't think this is a replacement for mobiles. WiMAX will be used for data applications while cellular networks will continue to be used for voice services," said Sharma.
India is not exempt from WiMAX spectrum woes. In most of the world, the 2.5-2.69 Ghz band is used for WiMAX services. In India, this band is used by the Department of Space for satellite-based mobile and broadcast applications. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has recommended 100 Mhz of spectrum in 3.3-3.4 Ghz for WiMAX.
Source: FierceWiFi. For more on WiMAX in India: see this Economic Times report
New Mobile Broadband Solution for Cable Networks
- Posted: Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Broadband
Companies complete interoperability testing for mesh backhaul over HFC to deliver mobile broadband applications.
Narad Networks and Tropos Networks today announced successful interoperability testing of their complementary solutions.
The combined solution provides mesh network operators with a new option to backhaul mesh WiFi traffic within the metro area. Tests using Narad's switched Ethernet-over-coax solution and the Tropos 5210HFC MetroMesh router demonstrated aggregate performance exceeding 20 Mbps of symmetric capacity with low end-to-end latency. This level of performance will enable operators to offer mobile broadband applications and services such as mobile video and instant messaging while avoiding the need for costly new fiber construction.
"Metro WiFi networks are a logical way to extend the functionality of the cable network to mobile users throughout a metro area. As part of their ongoing mesh WiFi deployments, cable operators require high capacity and low latency backhaul technologies which leverage the installed cable plant," said Michael Collette, CEO of Narad Networks. "The Tropos/Narad solution will allow cable operators to efficiently integrate a mesh network into their existing HFC plant, which in turn will help minimize the capital and operating costs of the network."
"Supporting multiple mobile broadband applications is a key opportunity for cable providers, and this solution provides an immediate way for them to extend their core value outside of the home," said Chris Rittler, VP Carrier Sales and Business Development of Tropos Networks. "A multi-service architecture is a key value of a Tropos MetroMesh network, and Narad's support of multiple VLANs enables cable operators to provide multiple revenue generating wireless services over their existing cable infrastructure."
Narad's Ethernet-over-Coax solution provides up to 100 Mbps x 100 Mbps of additional bandwidth over each coaxial cable span. In combination with Narad Ethernet switches, these 100 Mbps symmetrical links can be switched onto the coax plant at multiple points to provide Gigabits of symmetric bandwidth per node. Narad's switched Ethernet-over-Fiber solution provides Gigabit fiber capacity while making optimally efficient use of existing fiber plant. Narad's Ethernet-based outdoor switches support fiber, coax and wireless transmissions.
Source: WirelessIQ
Smart WiFi 802.11n Multimedia System Unveiled
- Posted: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Wi-Fi
Advances in WiFi Technology Open Door to Reliable Wireless Distribution of Multiple HDTV Streams, Digital Voice, Music and Data throughout the Home.
Ruckus Wireless said today that it has developed and will demonstrate the first Smart WiFi system based on next-generation 802.11n technology at the upcoming Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 8-11, 2007.
The company also announced that it has been named an Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Award Honoree by the Consumer Electronics Association for its popular MediaFlex NG product. The Innovations honor is independently judged based on a variety of criteria such as engineering qualities of the product, unique and novel features and the contribution the product makes to consumers' quality of life.
The Ruckus Wireless demonstration at CES will showcase, for the first time, remarkable advances in WiFi technology that make it possible to reliably transport many HDTV streams, digital voice, music and data throughout the home without costly and cumbersome cabling.
Current products based on draft 802.11n specification allow devices to transmit at speeds greater than 70 Mbps, but they all have problems sustaining the high performance at far distances, challenging locations or in noisy environments.
The Ruckus "Smart-N" technology rejects noise and delivers consistent throughput regardless of location and device placement. By combining the award-winning Ruckus BeamFlex smart antenna technology and SmartCast traffic engineering software with commercial 802.11n silicon, the Ruckus Smart-N system automatically adapts to environmental challenges such as physical obstacles and radio noise to maximize sustainable throughput and minimize performance variability.
"Early Pre-N products failed to fulfill the promise of delivering solid, stable bandwidth to support whole-home high-definition video streams," said Selina Lo, president and CEO of Ruckus Wireless. "This is the killer application that consumers and carriers really care about, and this is what we're demonstrating to the world."
Despite the popularity of wireless IPTV in Europe and Asia, incumbent carriers in North America still rely on wires and are waiting for higher speed wireless technology to support multiple HDTV streams within a home.
Additionally, many U.S. operators and consumer electronics companies are moving toward a "whole-home DVR" model in which a central media center collects all the digital multimedia content and distributes the content in real-time to media receivers around the home.
While WiFi is the ideal in-home distribution technology, performance and coverage variability have prohibited operators from using it for this emerging application. 802.11n is widely viewed as the solution but in reality, it takes much more than simply slapping on a new chipset and adding a few more antennas. An adaptable WiFi system that automatically tunes a myriad of new 802.11n parameters and controls RF signals to ensure predictable performance anywhere in the home has become the new industry benchmark.
802.11n Technology Truths
Heralded as a panacea for bandwidth-hungry applications, 802.11n is the newest WiFi standard developed to dramatically increase the capacity of WiFi networks.
802.11n requires new WiFi silicon equipped with multiple radios on both transmit and receive ends of the connection. To boost overall bandwidth, traffic is segmented into different signal streams and sent simultaneously by the transmit radios. Likewise, multiple radios on the receiver accept and reassemble the parallel signal streams. Current WiFi technology, 802.11a/g supports theoretical maximum performance levels of up to 54 Mbps. 802.11n promises theoretical performance maximums of up to 600 Mbps.
However, the actual gains that consumers experience with the current "Pre- N" products are significantly lower and hampered by wild performance fluctuations caused by interference, obstacles, distance and other uncontrollable determinants. Consequently, despite the periodic high bandwidth bursts, delay- or loss-sensitive applications such as streaming video or voice have remained elusive on "Pre-N" implementations.
Geeky CES Demo Details
Using a prototype Ruckus Smart-N system, three HD video streams will be transmitted simultaneously over 802.11n to three Ruckus Smart-N receivers, each attached to an HD set top box.
The Ruckus Smart-N system combines 3x3 XSPAN(TM) 802.11n silicon technology from Atheros Communications with Ruckus Wireless' BeamFlex-N multi- dimensional antenna and SmartCast traffic engineering software. Patent- pending BeamFlex-N is a dynamically-configurable, multi-polarized antenna system capable of forming thousands of unique antenna patterns to reject interference and focus transmit energy in various directions and orientations. BeamFlex-N thus makes available many distinct signal paths to each of the multiple data streams.
Leveraging from SmartCast, the only IPTV-ready wireless QoS technology in the market, the Ruckus Smart-N system automatically identifies incoming traffic and priorities bandwidth on a per packet basis.
BeamFlex-N selects the best antenna configurations for each packet by identifying the optimum path for each transmit radio and steering signals away from obstacles and interference. With over 1,000 antenna patterns at its disposal, BeamFlex-N extends range and signal coverage, maximizes transmission rates over multiple signal paths and minimizes errors. This delivers higher sustained throughput for jitter and delay-sensitive applications throughout the home. Smart WiFi 802.11n products from Ruckus Wireless are slated to begin shipping in the second half of 2007.
Finally, Ruckus will demonstrate streaming multiple MPEG-4 HD IPTV streams over existing 802.11a/g technology and will demonstrate the transmission of voice over WiFi using dual mode cellular/WiFi phones that will be used to enable fixed mobile convergence.
Source: ABIResearch
CDMA2000 Operators in India Break Subscriber Records
- Posted: Monday, November 27, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Market Survey
The CDMA Development Group (CDG) says that CDMA2000 operators in India have added another record breaking 2.05 million net subscribers for the month of October. This brings the total number of CDMA wireless subscribers in India to 40.5 million. CDMA2000 now accounts for nearly 30 percent of the total wireless subscriber base in the country. Reliance Communications and Tata Teleservices continue to lead the market with a combined 38.3 million subscribers.
For the first time, quarterly net subscriber additions in India exceeded those in China in the third quarter of 2006, even though the Chinese figure itself reached a record high.
With wireless penetration still at a low 13.7% in India, both Reliance and Tata are preparing themselves to capture a significant portion of this accelerated growth going forward. India's CDMA customer base grew by 125% between September 2005 and September 2006, outperforming the GSM base, which saw a 79% increase in the same period. Also, within the past three years, 44% of the public call office (PCO) market, consisting of over 2 million lines, has been captured by CDMA operators. The average revenue per user of a PCO phone is about 4-5 times more than that of a mobile user.
Last summer, Tata Teleservices announced a $540 million network investment over the next 12 months, which will include the nationwide expansion of CDMA2000 services. Since January 2006, Tata has averaged more than half a million new subscribers per month. In October, they added over 950,000 subscribers, just shy of the 1.06 million subscribers added by Reliance. The carrier attributes this success to its large retail network and attractive service plans, which include free incoming calls. Tata also has witnessed strong uptake of its wide selection of low- and high-end devices, many of which support BREW, Java, and Windows Mobile small business, enterprise and consumer applications.
"The CDG is pleased to see the unprecedented growth in wireless telecommunications in India," said Perry LaForge, executive director of the CDG. "CDMA2000's superior performance and unbeatable economics have created healthy competition within India's wireless communications industry. As new 3G spectrum becomes available, we expect the level of competition to increase. India's consumers will become the benefactors and the introduction of mobile broadband services will help strengthen the economy."
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) announced their 3G spectrum allocation and assignment recommendations to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), through a Press Conference on September 28th. The CDG welcomed the 3G spectrum allocation recommendations submitted by the TRAI for DoT's approval. Recommending the allocation and assignment of 3G spectrum in the 450 MHz, 800 MHz, and 2100 MHz frequency bands will benefit India, its burgeoning telecommunications industry, and its consumers. It is consistent with the fair and transparent manner in which such spectrum is allocated and assigned in other markets that place a premium on taking a holistic approach towards allocating this scarce commodity and national resource.
The CDG agrees with the recommended principles of using spectrum efficiently, ensuring technology and service neutrality, and establishing a level playing field. These principles will lead to increased competition, further growth, and more affordable services for India's consumers. These universally accepted principles should be applied to both 2G and 3G spectrum allocations and assignments in India.
In most all growth markets, operators eventually deploy spectrally efficient air interface technologies, like 3G, to support the increased demand for voice and high-speed data services from their consumers and enterprise customers. These services require large amounts of bandwidth to ensure sufficient capacity, data throughput, and a satisfactory end-user experience. CDMA2000 has at least a two-to-three year lead over other wireless technologies in delivering these important services.
Source: ABIResearch
Survey Finds Cell Phone Use Less Than 30 Minutes A Day
- Posted: Friday, November 10, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Only 13 percent of consumers use their cell phones more than 1000 minutes per month. 68 percent of users say camera is favorite cell phone feature.
Although consumer use of cell phones is at an all-time high, a new survey indicates that only 13 percent of consumers use their cell phone more than an average of 30 minutes per day.
Wirefly surveyed 2,011 U.S.-based cell phone users, age 18 and older, and found:
- 46 percent use their cell phone 500 minutes a month or less;
- 32 percent use their cell phone between 500 and 1000 minutes per month;
- 13 percent said they use their cell phone more than 1000 minutes each month.
The survey revealed:
- 63 percent of users take 1-15 pictures per month;
- 17 percent of users take more than 15 pictures per month;
- 14 percent of users don’t take pictures at all.
“The growing popularity of wireless email and text messaging has resulted in some consumers using their cell phones and PDAs more frequently, but for shorter talk durations, and that may be reflected in the survey’s findings,” said Brian Westrick, Wirefly’s President. “However people use their cell phones, more and more consumers are using as a free, easy-to-use tool to help them find the right phone and the right calling plan — at the guaranteed best price.”
Free of charge and without any commitment,’s Wireless Wizard allows users to compare prices and plans from every cell phone manufacturer and wireless carrier in every U.S. zip code. A few simple key strokes enables users to confirm whether they are getting the best deal available, the best coverage in their area or if they could achieve a greater savings with another plan.To use this tool, please visit -
The U.S. based online survey was conducted from October 13, 2006 to October 31, 2006 from a pool of individuals who had purchased new cell phones and new service plans from The sample of 2011 respondents was 54% female and 46% male. 38% of respondents were between the ages of 31-44, 33% were 45 and above, 18% were between the ages of 25-30, and 12% were 18-24. The margin of error was plus or minus 2 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.
Source: WirelessIQ

World's First 3D Community Platform for Wireless Phones Launches
- Posted: Tuesday, November 07, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Allows Millions of Users to Chat, Photo Share and Shop in a 3D Environment SoftBank Mobile Ships Handsets with New Platform.
Gemini Mobile Technologies today announced a new software platform to power mobile communities. The Gemini platform, called eXplo, is the foundation of a new 3D interface from SoftBank Mobile Corporation in Japan, named S! TOWN.
S! TOWN gives users their first experience with a rich graphical community to chat, communicate and shop across their wireless devices. SoftBank Mobile's new S! Town-enabled phones are available today throughout Japan on their Sharp and Toshiba phone models.
Gemini also announced that its industry-leading multimedia messaging software, the HyperScale Messaging Center, and its HyperScale core technology are the engines behind an additional new SoftBank Mobile service, Arrange Mail. Arrange Mail, powered by Gemini's software, takes messaging to the next level by enabling consumers to compose, send and receive rich text and graphical messages on their existing SoftBank Mobile handsets.
"We are pleased to launch S! TOWN, the 3D community platform for wireless devices," said Ted Matsumoto, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of SoftBank Mobile. "S! TOWN and Arrange Mail are revolutionary services that will give our customers a new way of interacting and communicating in their daily lives. We expect these services to be a forerunner in the marketplace by changing the way wireless users interact with one another and their devices."
"We are pleased to have the opportunity to help SoftBank Mobile deploy next-generation mobile communications services," said Scott Driggers, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Gemini Mobile Technologies. "As more people worldwide rely on the wireless phone as their main communication medium, they demand richer and more intuitive ways to interact with their devices. Our eXplo platform is a bold new way of giving users the ability to explore and discover new content and communities via their phones. As wireless devices become increasingly essential to people everywhere, we will continue developing innovative software that powers new generations of wireless connectivity."
Read more
Wireless High Definition TV Using UWB Technology Debuts
- Posted: Sunday, November 05, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Focus Enhancements, Inc. announced completion of a tour of Asia demonstrating Ultra Wideband (UWB) streaming video during the week of October 23rd.
Video streaming at distances exceeding 10 meters and, in several cases, through walls, was shown to a variety of engineers and product managers from several companies in Taiwan, Korea and Japan.
The demonstrations were run using commercially available TALARIA UWB evaluation hardware. Several experiments were run, including transmitting video from room-to-room through a concrete wall and passing the signal through more than a dozen observers standing in between the transceiver pairs.
“Our performance was very impressive to the audiences, with several observers mentioning that this was the best UWB performance they had seen to date,” said Tom Hamilton, executive vice president and general manger of Focus Enhancements’ semiconductor group. “The performance in Asia was consistent with the performance we have seen in our offices in Hillsboro, where we have been able to successfully transmit in excess of 30 meters in line-of-sight demonstrations,” Hamilton continued.
“In almost all cases the packet error rates, (a measure of wireless signal integrity), for transmission were much less than 10 percent and in many cases less than one percent, even with people standing in the path of the radios,” said Valerio Filauro, product marketing manager for the semiconductor group. One product manager in Taiwan stated, “I didn’t believe UWB could go from room to room until I saw it myself,” commenting on an experiment sending HD video from a conference room into an adjacent closed room, through the concrete structure with ceramic tiles on the wall.
“Many of the customers we visited were current customers with whom we have existing relationships with because of our ongoing TV encoder business,” said Mark Zadeh, vice president of sales for the semiconductor group. Zadeh went on to say, “UWB is bringing more technology options to our existing customer base and this helps us expand our relationships with customers throughout Asia.”
Read more
Handset Shipments from Taiwan to Reach 281 Million in 2008
- Posted: Thursday, November 02, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Handset
79% to be ODM Handsets, according to ABI Research.
The role of Taiwanese handset makers is becoming increasingly significant in the global handset industry. Cooperation with handset original design manufacturers (ODMs) has become an integral part of the handset strategies of some big original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson, especially in the low-end handset segment.
“Taiwan’s ODMs gain cost advantages through setting up plants in mainland China, and their leading role in supplying handset components is helping them further improve their cost structure and complete their supply chain,” says ABI Research industry analyst Junmei He. “Handset shipments from Taiwan will reach 281 million in 2008, 79% of which will be ODM handsets, and these shipments will account for 26% of total handset shipments globally.”
Currently, Motorola and Sony Ericsson are most active in cooperating with Taiwanese ODMs; Nokia and Samsung are still slow to move in this direction. ODM strategies are also popular in Japan, but shipments are still relatively low. There is also much less cooperation between Chinese mainland handset vendors and Taiwanese ODMs, primarily because of unstable demand and the low profit margins produced by intensive competition in the mainland Chinese market.
In the mainland market, Chinese vendors lost market share last year, but their profit margin today is improved compared to 4Q 2005. “The handset market structure in mainland China has changed during the past two years,” says Junmei He. “The changes include the erosion of market share by illegally distributed handsets, the reforming of distribution channels by vendors on the mainland, and the further involvement of operators in the sales and supply chains.”
As a result of these changes, the big vendors will garner greater market share, and the proportion of operator-customized handsets will increase quickly, reaching 77% of total handset shipments on the mainland in 2011.
Source: ABI Research
Japanese and South Korean Mobile Handsets Leading the World in Mobile TV
- Posted: Friday, October 27, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Handset
Japanese and South Korean consumers are early adopters of new technologies, and today, nearly 14% of all mobile handsets in South Korea support Digital Mobile Broadcast television. This high percentage is just one indicator of the continuing flow of innovation coming from Korean and Japanese handset designers, a trend explored in a new study from ABI Research on the topic of mobile phone R&D initiatives.
According to senior analyst Andy Bae, based in Seoul, camera- and mobile TV-enabled phones are expected to drive new growth momentum over the next few years in both countries' handset markets.
In 2006, approximately 75% of all handsets in Japan and 52% in South Korea include cameras. "Two megapixel camera phones with autofocus and zoom functions have started to outpace 1.3 megapixel models in Japan and South Korea," says Bae. "Two and three megapixel phones will be mainstream by 2008. Five (and greater) megapixel models will dominate after 2010."
"Japan and South Korea have launched HSDPA and CDMA 1xEV-DO Rev. A services this year," Bae says. "This technologically advanced environment has spurred mobile vendors to develop premium and high-end handsets to support video call and music track download services."
In Japan, the most popular new services are "Chaku Uta" music downloads to mobile handsets. HSPDA services, with their broadband data rates, provide customers with very satisfactory music download experiences. Accordingly, Japanese vendors have continuously expanded music phones lines with Bluetooth headphones, shuttle controls keys, and key pads.
Common to both countries is the popularity of mobile TV-enabled handsets. In South Korea, vendors are focusing on development and marketing of T-DMB versus S-DMB phones, due to T-DMB's brighter future prospects.
Displays are evolving as well. Japanese and South Korean manufacturers will incorporate cutting-edge display innovations such as 16:9 ratios, 2.5-inch AM OLED displays using system-on-panel, and LTPS TFT, the efficiency of which can decrease the number of circuits and components, and therefore, power consumption.
Source: ABI Research
Study: Only 10% of Americans with 3G phones use 3G services
- Posted: Friday, October 27, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Handset
By Phil Carson
Consumers worldwide have been slow to purchase 3G phones and slower to avail themselves ofthe technological edge that 3G makes possible, market analyst firm TNS said in a new report. Americans, despite a reputation as slow to adopt advanced services, seem focused on handset features that lend themselves to 3G improvements, but the cost of those advanced services—namely mobile commerce and mobile entertainment—appear to be a barrier to adoption, the report said.
In the United States, 16 percent of mobile phone users have purchased 3G-enabled handsets, but only a fraction of that number—10 percent—use their phones’ 3G functionality. That’s slightly better than Americans’ global counterparts; 20 percent of handset owners worldwide have 3G handsets, but only 9 percent of those use 3G functionality.
TNS said the situation presents an “opportunity” for network operators to educate consumers on the benefits of 3G. Less than 5 percent of American mobile users are using mobile commerce services or mobile TV, according to the report.
According to Don Ryan, vice president for technology and media at TNS, the slow uptake of 3G services is akin to the evolution from dial-up Internet access to cable modems or DSL, in that it took time for consumers to appreciate the advantages of greater data speeds.
Source: RCR Wireless News

Handset Shipments from Taiwan to Reach 281 Million in 2008
- Posted: Thursday, October 26, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Handset
SINGAPORE - October 26, 2006 - The role of Taiwanese handset makers is becoming increasingly significant in the global handset industry. Cooperation with handset original design manufacturers (ODMs) has become an integral part of the handset strategies of some big original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson, especially in the low-end handset segment.
"Taiwan's ODMs gain cost advantages through setting up plants in mainland China, and their leading role in supplying handset components is helping them further improve their cost structure and complete their supply chain," says ABI Research industry analyst Junmei He.
"Handset shipments from Taiwan will reach 281 million in 2008, 79% of which will be ODM handsets, and these shipments will account for 26% of total handset shipments globally." Currently, Motorola and Sony Ericsson are most active in cooperating with Taiwanese ODMs; Nokia and Samsung are still slow to move in this direction. ODM strategies are also popular in Japan, but shipments are still relatively low.
There is also much less cooperation between Chinese mainland handset vendors and Taiwanese ODMs, primarily because of unstable demand and the low profit margins produced by intensive competition in the mainland Chinese market.In the mainland market, Chinese vendors lost market share last year, but their profit margin today is improved compared to 4Q 2005.
"The handset market structure in mainland China has changed during the past two years," says Junmei He. "The changes include the erosion of market share by illegally distributed handsets, the reforming of distribution channels by vendors on the mainland, and the further involvement of operators in the sales and supply chains.
"As a result of these changes, the big vendors will garner greater market share, and the proportion of operator-customized handsets will increase quickly, reaching 77% of total handset shipments on the mainland in 2011.
Source: ABI Research
EQO Delivers Mobile VoIP to BlackBerry, Windows Mobile Devices
- Posted: Wednesday, October 25, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Blackberry, VoIP
EQO Communications today announced immediate support for RIM BlackBerry and Windows Mobile powered devices. The addition of the BlackBerry Pearl and other powerful smart-phones brings the number of EQO-supported handsets to more than 400 devices from major manufacturers including Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Palm, LG, Panasonic, Phillips, RIM, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, and Siemens.
"We're rapidly evolving toward a world of ubiquitous connectivity in which we will be connected to each other all the time, everywhere we go," said Jill Aldort, Wireless/Mobile senior analyst for Yankee Group. "One of the most important elements in achieving this vision is the ability to deliver an easy to use, communications service that can reside on a broad range of handsets."
According to some estimates, more than 60 million smart phones will be sold worldwide in 2006. Users of RIM BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices now are able to access EQO Mobile, an Internet Communications platform that enables mobile VoIP calling and instant messenger services including AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, GoogleTalk, Jabber, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Instant Messenger and Skype.
"In response to user demand, we're adding support for the most popular smart-phones," said Colin Quon, founder and CTO of EQO. "Many smart-phones bring the benefits of a full keyboard, which provides a richer IM experience, and are often bundled with wireless data services, making EQO Mobile a natural fit for these users."
EQO Mobile is an evolution of the EQO for Skype service introduced at DEMO 2006. Since the launch of EQO for Skype, EQO has established itself as the premier mobile solution for Skype, with users in more than 130 countries across 260 carrier networks.
Source: WirelessIQ
First Free Mobile-to-Mobile Cross-Platform Calls
- Posted: Saturday, October 21, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
Barablu Demonstrates Free Calling From Nokia Series 60 Based Phones to Win Mobile Phones and PDAs Using Wi-Fi Connection. Both Nokia E Series and N Series Wi-Fi Enabled Phones Tested, Showing Not Only Voice but IM, Video and Conference Calling.
Barablu, the free calls community, demonstrated the world's first free calls between several Symbian Series 60 based Nokia GSM mobiles and Microsoft Windows Mobile based GSM mobiles. Barablu's announcement extends VoIP interoperability to two of the largest and fastest growing categories of Wi-Fi enabled mobiles. Using its small footprint download, Barablu also enables IM sessions, video calls and conference calling all for free within the Barablu community.
Any Barablu enabled device (PC, PDA or Mobile) can also be used to make Barablu Out calls outside of the Barablu network at rates competitive to Skype.
The company believes that the benefits of interoperability, mobility and presence awareness will drive greater traffic to the network that first offers it as a complete package. The combination of free mobile-to-mobile cross-platform calls, free chat, and a unique PC-to-mobile instant messaging service, delivers Barablu a substantial competitive advantage. Barablu plans to drive growth by strategically linking with Wi-Fi network providers, manufacturers, mobile operators and PC and IP phone manufacturers to offer more choice, therefore appealing to the widest audience.
Barablu CEO, Pascal Isbell, says "Millions of people globally now benefit from free PC-to-PC calls via VoIP. Now they want to add mobility to this facility. Barablu is the first company to provide consumers with this technology interoperably in the mobile arena by offering free mobile-to-mobile cross-platform calls, utilizing VoIP, via a Wi-FI standard."
Download the dialer from on your mobile and register your username and password to start making calls.
Add all your usual contacts using the 'Search Contacts' function and call them from wherever and whenever on their PC, mobile or IP phone. If they are busy on another call or are not online, your call can be diverted to voice mail; which is also free if leaving a message for another Barablu user. Receiving incoming calls is equally easy; an alert box will appear on your mobile screen, simply click 'Yes' to pick up the call and 'No' to reject.
With Barablu Chat you can chat in real-time with any other Barablu user whether via PC or mobile phone. It is the first service to bring Instant Messaging directly to a mobile phone.
Barablu users can make reduced-rate calls outside the network using Barablu Out. Signing up is free and a EUR10 credit allows you to start making Barablu Out calls. Rates are as low as 1c a minute, to the UK, US and many parts of Europe.
To receive calls you need to set up MyNumber - a local number that you can be contacted on. You pay only EUR2/month to start receiving calls for free.
Source: ABI Research
3Q 2006 Mobile Device Shipments Top 245 Million, On Target for 1 Billion by Year End
- Posted: Saturday, October 21, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Market Survey
The second quarter of 2006 was a bit softer than expected in terms of handset shipments and prices, but ABI Research anticipates that 4Q 2006 will prove a bumper quarter for mobile operators and handset vendors.
"The market topped 245 million mobile devices shipped in 3Q 2006 and the global mobile devices marketplace is on target to reach one billion devices by the year's end", said Jake Saunders, research director of ABI Research. "The handset vendors are pulling out all the stops to get their slickest, flattest, largest music memory, biggest mega-pixel camera phones onto the shelves in time for the 4Q-2006 holiday jamborees."
The Gang of Five — Nokia (36%), Motorola (23.3%), Samsung (12.5%), Sony Ericsson (8.1%), and LG (6.7%) — all increased market share at the expense of the smaller handset vendors. Economies of scale, and marketing, it seems, are everything. "Initiatives such as super thin phones have helped manufacturers such as Samsung and Motorola gain market share, but Nokia's ability to pump out phones for the emerging markets, cut handset average selling prices (ASPs), and exploit its brand image have served to maintain, and even boost, Nokia's market-share," said principal analyst Stuart Carlaw.
The net result of this scramble for market share has been lower ASPs. "The global weighted ASP dropped a steep -7.8% in 3Q 2006 compared to a 1.6% rise in 2Q 2006," said Saunders, "4Q 2006 is unlikely to fare any better. The competition is cut-throat."
3G handset shipment volumes proved to be a bit soft in 3Q 2006. 2.75G EDGE, which has been rolled out by a number of operators, has made the perceived performance gain of owning a 3G phone over a 2G GSM phone less distinct. Also, a number of vendors and operators are planning a big overhaul of their 3G phone line up for 4Q 2006. Recently Vodafone announced that it will be unveiling ten new phones for the festive season, six of which are 3.5G HSDPA-capable.
HSDPA effectively "turbo-charges" the 3G experience. HSPDA will dramatically change the download experience for end users wishing to download music, games, etc. The question is, will the turbo-charge kick in quickly enough?
Source: ABI Research
Zune Hits US Consumer Market on Nov. 14
- Posted: Friday, September 29, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Gadget
Microsoft Corp. is putting the social into digital music, starting this holiday. Today the company announced that the Zune digital media player and online service will be available to consumers in the U.S. on Nov. 14, 2006, just in time for the holidays. The Zune device will retail for $249.99 U.S. (ERP) and will create new ways for entertainment fans to connect and share media experiences device-to-device through the use of wireless technology and new software scenarios.
For $249.99, consumers will get an incredible entertainment experience right out of the box:
-- 30GB digital media player will come equipped with wireless functionality for Zune-to-Zune sharing of music, pictures and home recordings; a bright, three-inch LCD video screen that works in portrait or landscape mode to view pictures and videos; and a built-in FM tuner. The device will be available in three colors: black, brown and white.
-- A selection of preloaded content including songs, music videos and film shorts are installed on the device's hard drive to help consumers discover new artists and entertainment.
Zune makes it easy to find music you love -- whether it's songs in your existing library or new music from the Zune Marketplace:
-- Its dynamic music service will be continually updated with new content and experiences so there is always something to discover. The Zune Marketplace lets users browse and purchase songs individually.
-- A Zune Pass subscription gives consumers access to millions of songs for $14.99 per month.
-- Users can purchase songs individually using Microsoft(R) Points for 79 points per track. Similar to a pre-paid phone card, Microsoft Points is a stored value system that can be redeemed at a growing number of online stores, including the Xbox Live(R) Marketplace.
In addition, consumers can choose from a full line of accessories to enhance the Zune experience and help Zune users enjoy their entertainment where they want to, at home or on the road. Accessories range in price from $19.99 to $99.99.
"On Nov. 14 we're delivering not only a device, but a shared, social experience that will be shaped by the collective imagination of consumers," said Chris Stephenson, general manager of global marketing for Zune. "We're infusing the spirit of discovery and sharing into everything we do -- from the experience we crafted around the device and service to pre-loading music and videos on every device to expose people to something new."
Zune is a vehicle to explore new sounds and experiences. With that in mind, Microsoft pre-loaded each Zune device with a variety of songs and music videos from hot, new artists as well as some fun films and images. With something for everyone, the pre-loaded Zune content may just help you discover your new favorite band. Zune preloaded content includes the following:
Audio Tracks
-- Band of Horses, "Wicked Gil" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Bitter:Sweet, "The Mating Game" (Quango Music Group)
-- CSS, "Alala (Microsoft edit)" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Darkel, "At The End of The Sky (edit)" (Astralwerks)
-- Every Move a Picture, "Signs of Life" (V2)
-- Small Sins, "Stay" (Astralwerks)
-- The Adored, "Tell Me Tell Me" (V2)
-- The Rakes, "Open Book" (V2)
-- The Thermals, "A Pillar of Salt" (Sub Pop Records)
Music Video
-- 30 Seconds to Mars, "The Kill" (Virgin Records)
-- BT, "1.618" (DTS Entertainment)
-- Chad VanGaalen, "Red Hot Drops" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Coldcut featuring Roots Manuva, "True Skool" (Ninja Tune)
-- CSS, "Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Fruit Bats, "Live: The Wind That Blew My Heart Away" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Grandaddy, "Elevate Myself" (V2)
-- Hot Chip, "Over and Over" (Astralwerks Records)
-- Kraak & Smaak featuring Dez., "Keep Me Home" (Quango Music Group)
-- Kinski, "Live: The Snowy Parts of Scandinavia" (Sub Pop Records)
-- Paul Oakenfold, "Faster Kill Pussycat (Featuring Brittany Murphy)" (Maverick Records)
-- Serena-Maneesh, "Drain Cosmetics" (Playlouderecordings)
Film Shorts
-- 5 Boro: "A New York Skateboarding Minute" (Skateboarding)
-- Radical Films: "Kranked - Progression" (Mountain Biking)
-- TGRTV The North Face (Skiing/Snowboarding)
-- A variety of images to personalize a Zune device, including 12 classic rock posters from "Art of Modern Rock"
Zune Accessories
For entertainment fans who want to experience their media from anywhere, Microsoft will offer the following accessories:
-- Zune Home A/V Pack. The Home A/V Pack includes everything you need to amplify your Zune experience. This set of five products integrates Zune with your big-screen TV and the best speakers in your house. The wireless remote puts you in control from virtually anywhere in the room. When you buy the Zune Home AV Pack, you'll get the AV Output Cable, Zune Dock, Zune Wireless Remote with Lithium Battery, Zune Sync Cable and Zune AC Adapter for $99.99.
-- Zune Travel Pack. The Travel Pack includes everything you need to travel with your Zune device in style. This set of five products is designed to keep you and your friends and family entertained while you travel. When you buy the Zune Travel Pack, you'll get the Zune Dual Connect Remote, Zune Premium Earphones, Zune Gear Bag, Zune Sync Cable and Zune AC Adapter for $99.99.
-- Zune Car Pack. The Car Pack includes everything you need to hit the road with your Zune device. With AutoSeek, setup is easy, and you can enjoy your music on the go and charge at the same time. When you buy the Zune Car Pack, you'll get the FM tuner with AutoSeek and the Zune Car Charger for $79.99.
In addition to the rich service and Zune-to-Zune sharing capabilities available at launch, the built-in wireless technology and powerful software provide a strong foundation for Zune to continue to build new shared experiences around music and video. "We're offering a compelling experience right out of the box and providing customers with a solid base to customize and personalize their entertainment," Stephenson said. "This is just the beginning."
Source: ABIResearch
Twenty-four million pay for VoIP
- Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Market Survey
By Sylvia Carr
Twenty-four million people worldwide pay to use retail voice over IP (VoIP) services, new research has shown. The number of retail VoIP subscribers jumped more than 80 per cent to 18.7 million during 2005 - or 24 million if you add users of PC-to-phone services such as Skype, according to Point Topic's IP Telephony report.
Based on reported revenues, the analyst estimates that one-sixth of VoIP subscribers used Skype in the fourth quarter of 2005.
The Asia-Pacific region has the largest share of VoIP users but the fastest growth is seen in Europe and the US. The number of VoIP subscribers in Europe grew nearly threefold to 5.3 million during 2005 and is expected to pick up even more in 2006.
France has the highest VoIP adoption in Europe with 2.8 million paying subscribers, led by new carriers Free and neuf selling easy-to-use VoIP services - though incumbent France Telecom's VoIP push has also proved fruitful as it raised subscriber levels more than fivefold in 2005.
In the UK, BT's VoIP offering had "relatively few" subscribers by the end of 2005 but was picking up in early 2006, said the analyst.
One key success in the US, according to Point Topic, is marketing the service not as 'VoIP' but describing it in simple terms customers understand such as 'digital telephone'.
Source: Telecoms
Boeing abandons in-flight Internet service
- Posted: Friday, August 18, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
US aerospace giant Boeing Co. said it was abandoning its Connexion unit providing high-speed Internet service on planes after only a handful of airlines signed up (8/17).
"Over the last six years, we have invested substantial time, resources and technology in Connexion by Boeing," Boeing chief executive Jim McNerney said in a statement Thursday.
"Regrettably, the market for this service has not materialized as had been expected. We believe this decision best balances the long-term interests of all parties with a stake in Connexion by Boeing," he said.
Boeing said in June that it was reviewing the future of the service, which enabled passengers on Connexion-equipped flights to access the Internet over a satellite-based broadband connection.
Only 12 airlines, mostly Asian carriers flying long-haul such as Japan Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Air China, had signed up for the service. In Europe, Lufthansa and Scandinavian Airlines had also subscribed.
The airlines typically charged 30 dollars per flight or 10 dollars for 30 minutes of in-flight Internet access via satellite.
For other carriers including in the United States, cellular networks are seen as cheaper and more promising for a mass market of passengers wanting to go online in the skies. Three US airlines -- American, United and Delta -- were planning to take part in a joint venture with Boeing to promote the service in 2001, but those plans were scuppered by the September 11 attacks.
Boeing said it expected that most of the 560-odd people employed by Connexion would find jobs elsewhere in the aviation group. But some redundancies are possible, company spokesman John Dern said.
Boeing said that in the second half of 2006, it would book a pre-tax charge of up to 320 million dollars, or 26 cents per share, arising from costs related to the termination of Connexion. But it also expected a benefit of about 15 cents per share starting in 2007 as a result of the halt to its investment in Connexion.
Boeing said in July that it expected earnings per share to range between 4.25 and 4.45 dollars in 2007. Wall Street's target tallied by First Call foresees a figure of 4.55 dollars in 2007, excluding exceptional items.
Boeing's share price was up 21 cents (0.27 percent) at 79.04 dollars in mid-morning trade.
Source: Yahoo! News
Mobile WiMAX Sales Will Surpass Fixed WiMAX in 2008
- Posted: Tuesday, August 15, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: WiMax
In the past year, the stationary form of WiMAX (fixed WiMAX or 802.16-2004) has seen steady adoption in the marketplace. But the mobile version, 802.16-2005, will be here sooner than many people think. To be technically and economically viable, mobile WiMAX ICs must hit "sweet spots" on a number of parameters. Vendors who find them quickly will outpace those who don't."
ABI Research sees fixed WiMAX sales hitting a peak in 2007 and then leveling off," says principal analyst Alan Varghese. "Mobile WiMAX will start to see deployments in 2007, and the crossover point between the two will be late in 2008. Considering that it takes a year to design ASICs and then more time to design them into end-equipment, vendors up and down the value chain need to be discussing the required tradeoffs in their strategy meetings now.
"Performance, power consumption, and cost requirements for WiMAX ICs become much more challenging on the mobile platform. MIMO will be required, but it means increased circuitry, so IC vendors will have to trade off MIMO performance for die area, power usage, and price. The ASP for the WiMAX RF is about $15 and for the baseband about $23; the total is more than the BOM for a low tier device, so considerable cost reduction is needed.
WiMAX IC companies such as Beceem Communications and Runcom would seem to be very well-placed, since they bypassed fixed WiMAX and went straight to the mobile platform. But they are being shadowed by companies such as Redpine Signals, RF Magic, Sequans, Sierra Monolithics, Telecis, and Wavesat, which have honed their skills through deployments in fixed WiMAX. Competition will also come from giants such as Fujitsu and Intel that understand the mobile platform intimately all the way from RF to applications.
Source: Wireless IQ
New MotoRAZR MAXX: Lebih Tipis
- Posted: Wednesday, July 26, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Handset
Tak mau ketinggalan dengan berbagai ponsel tertipis di dunia saat ini, Motorola yang telah sukses dengan MotoRazr kini kembali meluncurkan ponsel MotoRAZR MAXX V3x yang mendukung 3G. Ponsel MAXX ini 5mm lebih tipis dari sebelumnya. Lebih dari itu, ponsel berkemampuan komunikasi data yang lebih besar melalui penerapan HSDPA 3G data. Selain itu, ponsel baru ini juga mendukung EDGE untuk layanan 3 GSM bands, serta high-speed v2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) Bluetooth yang baru, yang memungkinkan pengguna mensinkronisasi profilnya.
Tampilan luar MAXX memberikan tanda berupa cahaya biru ketika ponsel berada dalam posisi menerima panggilan. Selain itu, MotoRAZR MAXX telah memiliki sejumlah keunggulan lain yang baru, yang semakin membuat ponsel ini lebih gaya dan berkemampuan tinggi. Teknologinya telah menggunakan teknologi terkini yang membuat kemampuannya lebih dibandingkan ponsel-ponsel lainnya.
Sama seperti MotoKRZR K1m yang baru diluncurkan Motorola, MAXX telah dilengkapi dengan new touch sensitive music control keys di bagian luar flip. Di samping itu, musik, foto dan video dapat disimpan di ponsel ini baik ke dalam kartu memori microSD maupun storage built-in sebesar 50MB.
Band: GSM 900/1800/1900MHz, UMTS 2100MHz
Ukuran: 104mm x 53mm x 15mm
Berat: 105g (3.7oz)
Standby time: 16.5 hari (GSM)
Talk time: 5 jam (GSM); 3 jam (UMTS)
Layar: 2.2" 256k color TFT, resolusi 240x320
Kamera: 2 megapixel, kamera VGA untuk video calls
Video capture/playback: H.263/MPEG4
Memori: 50MB, slot kartu microSD
Related articles:
Motorola Launches MotoRAZR MAXX upgrade to V3x
Motorola PEBL Colors
- Posted: Monday, July 24, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Motorola
Mobile phones are no longer just a means of communication—they are expressions of style and individuality. So make your mark with the Motorola PEBL Colors. With an innovative shape available in a variety of stunning and bold colors, Motorola PEBL Colors deliver a unique experience for all your senses.
Soft-touch housing provides a total tactile experience, while an innovative hinge mechanism effortlessly transforms the Motorola PEBL Colors from a vibrant accessory to a mobile instrument with endless function, including the ability to capture and share still and moving images, Bluetooth wireless technology and advanced messaging solutions. Built for consumers who want to have fun now and be serious later, the Motorola PEBL Colors can help you express your individual style, all while keeping you seamlessly connected.Simple, Colorful, BOLD
Luxury meets fresh and bold style with the Motorola PEBL Colors. Stretching the boundaries of traditional design, the colorful PEBL boasts a unique oval shape, distinctive vertical external display, innovative one-handed opening hinge design and tactile soft-touch finish. Now available in vibrant shades of green, orange, teal, and pink, the Motorola PEBL is sure to be the center of attention everywhere you go.
Couture Meets Connectivity
Document life on the go with the rich multimedia capabilities of the Motorola PEBL Colors. Before you buy the latest handbag, get a friends opinion - even when she’s across town. Simply point, shoot and narrate via MPEG4 video playback, then send via Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)*. Visual delights continue with an embedded VGA camera for quality still photography, picture caller-ID* and dynamic color display.
Even when fun come first, the colorful and feature-forward Motorola PEBL delivers the tools you need when it’s time to get serious - instantly access and download the latest news and entertainment with ease, peruse the World Wide Web and share multimedia files without pause*. Adding expedience to innovation, Bluetooth technology delivers seamless connections to compatible headsets and car kits.Specification:
Band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900; GPRS
Dimensions:1.93 x 3.41 x 0.79 inches; 49 x 86.5 x 20 mm
Weight: 3.7 ounces, 110 grams
Battery: 710 mAh Li-Ion
Talk Time: up to 204 – 400 minutes
Standby Time: up to 156 – 250 hours
Display: 176 x 220 brilliant color TFT; 96 x 32 external CLI
- Unprecedented smooth oval design with a unique hinge mechanism for easy one handed opening, vertical external display and vibrant colors to match every style
- MPEG 4 video capture and playback
- Integrated Bluetooth wireless technology
- Integrated VGA digital camera1
- Speaker Independent Voice Dial, allowing users to simply state a number or name and be connected with ease
- Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) *, IM Wireless Village1 and email (POP3, SMTP, IMAP4)
- Pre-loaded and downloadable games, MP3 ringtones, screensavers and more*
- J2ME™ MIDP 2.0 technology
- Voice memo & enhanced predictive text
- 22 KHz polyphonic speaker
- WAP 2.0 Browser*

Sony Delivers Music Wirelessly Throughout Home
- Posted: Thursday, July 20, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
New Streaming Audio System Plays Music Across a WiFi Home Network.
Continuing to enhance the world of home audio, Sony Electronics today announced a wireless streaming music player and 2.1 channel home theater system. The CPF-IX001 wireless streaming music player is compact in size, offering high-powered micro-speakers and a subwoofer. The device can be easily networked with a PC and a wireless 802.11 b/g access point for direct playback of music stored on a hard drive.
Additionally, the unit is Sony's first to include a power line transmission technology transferring both power and audio signals over the same cable. The player is compatible with a variety of popular music download services.The company also unveiled the DAV-X1V 2.1 front surround Platinum DVD Dream System offering a five-disc DVD/CD/SA-CD changer and the latest in video upscaling technology. The unit also includes Digital Cinema Auto Calibration (DCAC), HDMI interface and Sony's S-Force Front Stage Surround technology for realistic simulated surround sound.
Jeff Goldstein, vice president of marketing for Sony Electronics' Home Products Division, said that:
"Digital music downloads are skyrocketing and not all consumers are organizing their music collection on their computers. Our wireless music streaming system lets you listen to content stored on your PC all over your house or apartment. The system is compact enough to fit in a kitchen or on a nightstand, yet still fills a room with powerful sound,"Wireless Streaming Music Player
Consumers can now enjoy Sony CONNECT, iTunes, Windows Media Audio and other music file types stored on their PCs in the home, with the CPF-IX001 wireless streaming music system. After loading the supplied M-crew software, the product just needs power, an 802.11 b/g access point, and an Ethernet connection, automatically configuring to a home network.
Once connected to the network, the device creates its own unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. Consequently, if multiple players are stationed around the house they can simultaneously stream music from the networked PC wirelessly.
Additionally, the system automatically searches for music files when connected to a network for simple content navigation by disc, artist and genre.
The player also provides play list creation that can be accessed via remote control. The wireless streaming music player is Sony's first to use a power line transmission technology. The process provides power to both the main unit and its subwoofer while transmitting audio signals to the subwoofer. As a result, the product was designed with a small footprint for placement almost anywhere in the home.
The system also features Sony's S-Master digital amplifier providing superior sound from its compact speakers. Other features include an audio input and remote control.
The wireless music system will be available in August for about $300. [Wireless IQ]

Industry-First Commercialization Milestone for HSUPA
- Posted: Thursday, July 20, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Miscellaneous
QUALCOMM has achieved several significant milestones toward bringing fully wireless broadband capabilities to WCDMA (UMTS) networks in 2007, including the successful completion of the industry's first HSUPA test calls delivering 2.0 Mbps on the uplink; launch of interoperability testing with multiple leading infrastructure providers; and, ten major device manufacturers now designing products based on Qualcomm's HSUPA chipset solution.
"Qualcomm's technology leadership has made possible the successful accomplishment of these milestones, bringing richer broadband wireless entertainment, personal convenience and enterprise services closer to reality,"said Alex Katouzian, senior director of product management for Qualcomm CDMA Technologies.
"Additionally, our close collaboration with device manufacturers, operators and infrastructure vendors is quickly driving HSUPA to market for wireless users around the world."For WCDMA (UMTS) networks, HSUPA technology, together with HSDPA technology, delivers data speeds surpassing those of many home broadband connections.
Qualcomm 's Mobile Station Modem (MSM) MSM7200 chipset, the industry's first HSUPA solution, was used for the test calls and interoperability testing. Ten leading device manufacturers are already designing handsets based on the chipset, which offers industry-leading levels of integration to deliver significant bill-of-materials savings and to enable slim, sleek devices with support for advanced multimedia and data capabilities. [Wireless IQ]

Samsung unveils world's first GSM Wi-Fi phone
- Posted: Wednesday, July 19, 2006
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- Author: pradhana
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- Filed under: Smartphone, Wi-Fi
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has just released its first commercial mobile handset that can switch between cellular and wireless LAN networks.
The SGH-P200 combines GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), including all types of high speed communication: GSM/GPRS/EDGE, with 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and supports both voice and data calls, the South Korean cell phone maker said. It expects users to make calls over Wi-Fi at home or in cafes and switch to the cell phone network where no wireless LAN coverage exists.It is the world's first commercial mobile phone to which UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access)technology is applied. UMA is a next-generation fixed-mobile convergence technology standard which allows for seamless handover between cellular networks and fixed IP networks (hot spots). Handsets with UMA technology allow free voice and data communication both in mobile and fixed modes.
The UMA phone thus has far greater mobility, compared to existing WiFi phones that can be used in a limited manner, only in hot spot areas. For instance, with the UMA phone, high-speed large-capacity data communication or VoIP is possible though WiFi in places installed with hot spots such as at home and schools and in places without WiFi, the cellular network is used instead.
Features of the slider-type handset include a 1.3 megapixel camera, MPEG4/H.263 video player, MP3/AAC/AAC+ music player, document viewer, multimedia messaging system (MMS), MP3 and file viewer functions. and PictBridge printing. The handset measures 95 millimeters by 44mm by 22.5mm and weighs 95 grams.
It is available now in Italy and will be launch in other European countries soon, Samsung said. Pricing information was not available.
Source: Samsung unveils GSM Wi-Fi phone
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