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CES Round-up: MotoE8 & Z10, Nokia N95, Samsung Armani & Serenata dan Sony Ericsson Z555

Motorola, Nokia, SonyEricsson, Samsung and Neonode are among the handset vendors that have already launched phones at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas from January 7-10, 2007.

Motorola has so far released a new ROKR device, Moto E8, which makes use of Motorola's ModeShift touch technology. From talk to music in one touch, ROKR E8 features cutting-edge, easy-to-use controls that allow a smooth transition from phone to MP3 player to imaging device.

"ROKR E8 is a no compromises device -- it's both an MP3 player that makes great phone calls and a mobile phone with tremendous audio capabilities. With our unique ModeShift technology, we're dispelling the myth that mobile phones with music features are inferior to stand-alone audio devices," stated Stu Reed, president, Motorola Mobile Devices. "Rounding out our ROKR portfolio, our new music accessories provide consumers with a number of ways to enjoy their music."

Motorola also debuted a phone aimed at the novice filmmaker, Moto Z10. The "kick slider" allows users to capture video, edit clips, create transitions between scenes as well as add title slides and a soundtrack. MOTO Z10 is a complete, pocket-sized, mobile filmstudio packed with next-generation 3G technology into a unique ergonomic kickslider design.

"With MOTO Z10, we are turning movie making and spontaneous creativity into social activities. Now, anyone can capture and share life's moments from almost anywhere in the world and make their unique perspective a part of popular culture," said Stu Reed, president, Motorola Mobile Devices.

In addition to creating videos, MOTO Z10 features great media playback capabilities. With a crystal-clear 2.2" QVGA screen that displays video at 30 frames per second in millions of colors, consumers can watch their own films or downloaded content. The external storage slot will support an external memory card with up to 32GB of capacity, when available.

Nokia has unveiled a 8GB version of its N95 that runs on HSDPA for the U.S. market. The phone also features a 2.8 inch QVGA screen with support for up to 16 million colors, eight gigabytes of built-in memory, A-GPS positioning for improved location access and enhanced battery life.

Combining speed, technology and content -- the new Nokia N95 8GB bridges the gap between traditional fixed entertainment centers and portable wireless devices with its stunning 2.8 inch QVGA screen with support for up to 16 million colors, eight gigabytes of built-in memory, A-GPS positioning for improved location access and enhanced battery life.

Based on powerful Symbian S60 3rd Edition software, consumers can personalize their Nokia N95 8GB by choosing from a wide selection of advanced mobile applications, including games, navigation, entertainment, productivity and creativity.

The Nokia N95 8GB comes out of the box ready to create, connect, consume and interact with some of the Internet's most popular services including Yahoo! Search, Amazon's MobiPocket Reader or Flickr. The device also features widget support which enables users to customize the online content they can receive quickly on their Nokia N95 8GB.

Samsung is showing off a number of luxury phones at CES this week, too. First up: The Giorgio Armani-Samsung phone, which the handset maker characterizes as the "size of a credit card" and a mere 10.5 mm thick. The Giorgio Armani-Samsung phone meets the needs of those who aspire to own technologically advanced device with which to communicate, as well as complete their lifestyle.

Samsung and Bang & Olufsen's Serenata is also on display in Vegas. It features a context-sensitive touch screen and a large aluminum wheel for navigation. Serenata is a luxury phone created between the home theatre designer Bang & Olufsen and Samsung.

Finally, Samsung is showing off its B'Phone (B for Beyonce), an update to the Upstage available exclusively through Sprint. To complement the style and glamour of the Grammy-winning artist Beyonce, the B'Phone is coated in rich burgundy and gold colors and comes complete with a preloaded special Beyonce-styled start-up screen.

Swedish handset maker Neonode is making its Neonode N2 handset available to the U.S. market at CES this week. The phone utilizes the exclusive neno user interface and zForce optical touch screen technology. Neonode executives suspect that some of the gestures that Apple built into the iPhone were lifted from their N1 device.

At CES, Sony Ericsson launched the Z555, a diamond-shaped handset that uses a gesture control application running off of the phone's camera. The phone lets users ignore a call or an alarm just by waving their hand.

A fashion flip phone that you shake in a way that could remind one of a Polaroid picture. The big draw here is Gesture Control, which lets to flip back and forth between call and mute and you can even sweep your hand over the phone to turn off the alarm.
As Sony says, it’s magic!It comes in Diamond Black and Dusted Rose — Dusted went to high school with Matt and is now in porn — and has an outer display that disappears into the front design.

“The Z555 is designed to reflect your look and attract attention,” said Sven Totte, Head of Style Marketing at Sony Ericsson. “We’ve created it for people who are looking for a beautifully designed phone that reflects their personal style and does not compromise on features or performance.” [FierceWireless]

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Anonymous said:

Motorola Z10

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